西安网站建设模板_辽宁省工程造价信息网官网_广东省政府疫情防控新闻发布会_嘉兴网站建设一薇 ABSTRACT

Chinese Herbal medicine Encyclopedia Web site and background management system is a set of user management, Chinese herbal medicine information management, Chinese herbal medicine classification management, message board management, forum management, system management, personal center and other functions in one comprehensive platform. The front-end interface design of the website is simple and clear, and users can easily browse and query detailed information about various Chinese herbs. Users can also communicate and share experiences with other users through forums and comment sections. The background management system provides an efficient and convenient management platform for the website administrator, which can realize the real-time update and maintenance of the website content. Chinese Herbal Medicine Encyclopedia Web site and background management system provide a good network environment for the promotion of Chinese medicine culture and knowledge, and help to improve the public's awareness and understanding of Chinese herbal medicine.

This system can standardize and simplify the data management of Chinese herbal medicine encyclopedia Web site and background management, so as to improve the efficiency of management. In the windows system environment, the programming language is nodejs and Vue framework, and mysql is used as the background database to achieve various needs in the website and background management process.

Key words: Encyclopedia of Chinese Herbal Medicine; nodejs; mysql database;









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